
Here is another piece that I wrote in 2017, but have only published years later. It is another exploration in G, but this time it is expressed on my Yamaha nylon string Silent Guitar (SLG11N). We have created a new category called “Somewhat Undercooked” for pieces like this; they needed a little more work, but… Continue reading Resting

When Nothing Makes Sense

I wrote this piece one evening a couple of weeks ago. I was feeling somewhat distressed about certain things I was reading in the news as well watching friends and family struggling with a variety of issues and personal complex situations. I quite often find myself in this place where I think ‘…nothing makes sense…..!’… Continue reading When Nothing Makes Sense

Heart – Acoustic explorations in G

I wrote these three pieces in February 2017. Since then they have sat on the desktop on my computer “awaiting further decision”. Six and a half years later, it’s time to put them out there. I had thought I might consider the ideas and then make one piece out of the three, but I would… Continue reading Heart – Acoustic explorations in G

Hymn Songs – When I survey & Be Thou My Vision

My son was working on a song that required this really cool tuning, CGCGCE. I was doodling around and ended up working on a theme around a few hymns. I kept working on it and eventually played through a mixing desk with some creative reverb. What you hear is one of the many versions that I… Continue reading Hymn Songs – When I survey & Be Thou My Vision

Caught in-between

A couple of years ago a friend of mine wrote a stunning play called ‘The Manhattan Taproom’, for the school where we both teach. It was a play about young women who make a journey to New York to make it in the artistic world in some form or another, be it as a musician,… Continue reading Caught in-between


This song was written in response to a friend who lost both her parents in quick succession. I felt an overwhelming sense of compassion for her which was not so much from me but how I felt God felt for her and about her. This was one of those plop-on-the-page songs. I feel it is… Continue reading Child

Lost Lustre

As is heard in the opening line, I was inspired by the Psalmist in writing this song. Another source of inspiration came from a sermon on the prodigal son, and the idea of God’s extravagant grace which he lavishes upon us. The song went through several iterations over the past year and a half, with… Continue reading Lost Lustre

Breathe (Julie’s Song)

This song was written a few years ago but is dedicated to a beautiful friend of mine. Her and I talk a lot about ‘breathing’. I love our deep and meaningful conversations that we manage to have in the business and demands of our teaching jobs. In the mish-mash of our lives we sometimes crowd… Continue reading Breathe (Julie’s Song)