Napping: Sleeping and Waking

I wrote this piece of prose a little while back after a wonderful afternoon nap. For the last number of years we have enjoyed the afternoon “Nana Nap”.

I struggled for many years to fall asleep. It may well have started back at boarding school. After it became a real issue to me, I decided to investigate how to fall asleep more easily. There are some great techniques out there. I took them seriously and employed them diligently. I am pleased to say that I now regularly fall asleep well and quite naturally ;).

I have also been privileged to laugh in my sleep on occasion, sometimes to the surprise of my Dearly Beloved, Tanya. On other occasions when I am falling asleep I feel a “tickle” inside me. It is a truly joyous feeling. It reminds me of moments when I have felt God so close and affectionate that I begin to feel child-like and contented – like my neck is being nuzzled by someone who loves me. The most appropriate response for me is to gently laugh.

My hope is that this piece of prose will convey the privilege of experiencing the deeply satisfying moment of falling asleep without effort… and then waking refreshed; ready to face the next moment.

I hope to add an audio version of this prose over music in the near future. Awaiting inspiration ….

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